Anna Blessmann selected exhibitions and projects

Anna Blessmann presents A__PLAN__APPLICATION

A__PLAN__APPLICATION is a working wardrobe for contemporary life.
A__PLAN__APPLICATION is progressive and propositional.
A__PLAN__APPLICATION is the context for self-determination.
A__PLAN__APPLICATION is a belief in the everyday as an artform.
A__PLAN__APPLICATION is a projection of creative and sexual power.
A__PLAN__APPLICATION is adapted to the form and motion of the body.
A__PLAN__APPLICATION is for today, looking towards tomorrow.
A__PLAN__APPLICATION is simple, not simplistic.
A__PLAN__APPLICATION is complex, not complicated.
A__PLAN__APPLICATION is exploring the limits of necessity.
A__PLAN__APPLICATION is designed by a sculptor.
A__PLAN__APPLICATION is cumulative, additive and iterative.
A__PLAN__APPLICATION is professional rather than respectable.
A__PLAN__APPLICATION is creative rather than conservative.
A__PLAN__APPLICATION is opinionated rather than conformist.

A Wardrobe for Life
Some lives are conducted with such precision and sublime elegance that they achieve the status of artworks in themselves. Every careful word and calibrated action becomes a subtle performance. Clothing these bodies becomes a profound expression of self-determination. The wardrobe for life uses consistency to project confidence.

Formal restraint does not mean limiting the power of the individual. It means foregrounding personality, creativity and intellect. It means letting clothing create a supporting context for expression, joy and whim. The wardrobe for life is liberating.

All uniforms are expressions of power. The highest form is the personal uniform, which is an expression of power over yourself. It is a declaration that you have taken control over your environment.

Today, we are under constant pressure to make decisions. The speed of communication confuses words with images, and bodies with spaces. Attention and importance collapse into alerts and notifications. A wardrobe for life is a conscious decision to make fewer decisions. It is the certainty that comes from knowing yourself, and trusting your taste.

A__PLAN__APPLICATION is a range of meticulous clothes, each designed for a particular purpose to achieve a given result. This specificity doesn’t restrict application. They are at the service of the wearer to interpret, personalise, adapt and deploy.

Jack Self

A/W 18-19 photos: Britt Lloyd
S/S 19 photos: Letty Schmiterlow
A/W 19-20 photos: Francesco Nazardo
Le Monde photos: Oliver Hadlee Pearch

Copyright Anna Blessmann